Please note that these are starting prices. Prices can increase depending on the complexity of the commission and it will take longer than the usual estimated time of completion of the commission. If you are looking for other projects that aren't listed, please contact me first. Prices listed are in USD.

Twitter HeaderBase: $20
Vtuber Logo/Simplistic LogoBase: $10
Youtube ThumbnailBase: $10
Drawn Youtube ThumbnailBase: $15

Panel$10 per panel
ScreenBase: $10 per screen
Twitch HeaderBase: $10
Emote$15 per emote
Badge$10 per badge

Streaming Bundle #1: Stream Starter3 Screens (Offline, Starting Soon, BRB), 4 Panels, Twitch Header$60
Streaming Bundle #2: Lucky 66 Screens (Offline, Online, Webcam, Chat & Webcam, Gameplay Overlay, BRB), 6 panels$80
Streaming Bundle #3: Everything6 Screens (Offline, Online, Webcam, Chat & Webcam, Gameplay Overlay, BRB), 6 Panels, 3 Emotes, 5 Badges (Recolors/Slight changes), Twitch Header$175
Emote Bundle #1:3 Emotes$40
Emote Bundle #2:5 Emotes$65
Emotes & Badges Bundle #13 Emotes, 5 Badges (Recolors/Slight changes)$60


By commissioning me, you acknowledge all of the following:

  • Clients have an option to pay in halves [50-50](for bundles only) They can send half the payment that has been discussed before I created a sketch, this allows the client to have a chance to let me know if there's anything I can change with the emote and the rest of the amount before I start making the final output (outlines, coloring, shading, etc). When it comes to other graphics like overlays, screens, and more. The client must pay the full price unless we have discussed something beforehand.

  • I will not work with clients that take more than 42 hours to respond. Please stay in contact during the commission discussion or be easily contacted while I work on your commission.

  • Once the first design draft has been approved, major revisions and last-minute changes will be subject to an extra charge. Averaging from $2 to $15, this only includes small revisions and edits. Will only allow a few revisions (1-2 small edits) sounds fair to both me and the client.

  • I also have the right to post final outputs for portfolio-building reasons. Please let me know ahead of time if the client wishes to delay posting their commission to my social media/portfolio. There might be additional fees to keep the client's commission fully private.

  • Delivery of the final product may vary from 5 days to 2 weeks to 1 month depending on my schedule and commission slots. As of writing this T.O.S., I am currently focusing on college, my family and my other hobbies (like streaming), so if any problems arise, I may delay working on your commission. To skip the queue, I will charge an additional fee.

  • I, as the designer, won't be sending any raw files to my client. (No PSDs, AIs, CSPs, or any other raw files) I will send an email or a google drive link to the final output of the client's commission in PNG or JPEG form. And please make sure to take care of the final output of the commission, I will be deleting it off my drive after a month.

  • All commissioned designs are meant to be for non-commercial and for personal use only. This also applies to every premade I've created. Animating or editing my work must be discussed.


email: [email protected]

  • Please check my commission status and be aware of where your place in line maybe by checking the progress/queue link. Project sizes vary and some may take longer than others depending on how many items are ordered.

  • Be sure to read and respect my terms of service.

  • Highly prefer to work with clients that do not take full control of the design, must be flexible to the designer's ideas.

  • My email is not for small talk and please try to speak to me professionally.

  • I have the right to decline your commission.


  • Leave your name, PayPal email, and twitter handle (if you've found me through twitter) in your inquiry. Set "Commission from [Name]" as the subject.

  • List the type of commission. (Ex: I am looking to commission a stream overlay, set of panels, and 2 screens.) Please be direct to the point, I appreciate it that way.

  • Address the theme and style you are looking to commission.

  • Attach any necessary visual references.


  • I also check social media (ex. Twitter) for any commission messages, your message will be put straight into my message requests, please also tweet out to me when you've messaged me through twitter and I haven't replied in 24-42 hours.

  • Please have the patience, I am not always on social media to answer your questions quickly, I will get back to you as soon as possible.